I love this photo of Silas and Daniel. If you don't know them, they are both very extroverted, funny, mischievous and athletic. Their sense of …
I love this photo because in one click it summarizes the essence of Good Shepherd Catholic School: Catholic Faith, patriotism, parental …
Mrs. Caron's Kindergarten classroom is alive with learning and activity. I love this photo which captures Charlie in mid-air. It is full of the …
I love the concentration in this photo of Grayson and Richard doing work. One of the biggest challenges as a teacher every day is to keep the …
If you look very carefully, you will see on the board in the background the slogan, "We Sail Through History." Most of us don't realize we are …
I saw a video reel of a café that offered free coffee to any customer who came in the shop dancing, and I immediately thought of a way to make …
Toddlers love building blocks for both construction and demolition. As kids get older those building blocks become more about relationships …
Part of our opening routine in 7th and 8th grade English has always been praying together, and for the first half of the year, I led both the …
As part of a unit on character and character development, I asked the 7th and 8th grade students to choose 10 nouns that they thought made up …
As a teacher, one focuses on the teaching. As a student, one focuses on the social time with friends. The Good Shepherd students love recess …
You can tell when a teacher truly has a vocation for teaching. It's not just being "nice. It's setting expectations, teaching information, and …
I love this photo of Logan and Remy. So many friendships form at Good Shepherd. Their expression and sincerity are priceless. My prayer for all …
Six of my 5th and 6th grade students' names were randomly drawn to go to the Canterbury Inn to decorate Christmas cookies with the residents. …
When you walk into the hallway at the front entrance, you will see this Nativity scene to the left. This time of year the hallway gets …
This is one of my favorite pictures. As each child holds onto the hand of God, it is a reminder that each child has been created in the image …
Today is Thanksgiving Day and because of the snowstorm, worse in southern Vermont than in the NEK, I am stuck at home. By myself. It has been …
Today, November 21, is the 32nd anniversary of my ordination to the transitional diaconate that every man achieves before ordination to the …
Our first annual Veterans Day service was quite moving, especially to see both men and women veterans present in our assembly. Some were in …
I took my Religion class to the Canterbury Inn again this month to play Bingo with the residents. We had to stop for a photo op at the entrance …
The other day at recess I saw something amazing. I hadn’t been in the playground for some time and a hut is going up in the style of Gilligan’s …
Every October I take my 5th/6th Grade Religion class to Mount Calvary Cemetery in town. The purpose of the field trip is to collect names from …
The Kingdom Challenge Fundraiser is always a lot of work for our Good Shepherd staff and family members, but in the end why surprises me the …
When I was in junior high school in Windsor, I volunteered at the Mt. Ascutney Hospital and Rehab and helped with the Bingo games. B-4 is a …
It helps to have a tall student at school! This is a photo of Liam changing the sanctuary lamp. I need to use a chair to reach it and I thought …
The Fall soccer season has begun for our middle school students. I have been attending as many games as I can as my schedule permits. It's an …
Last year I took my 5/6 Grade Religion class on a Communion call with me. I decided that I would do it again this year so that they could …
This week I gave a lecture, not to my students, but to the adult Lay Ministry and Permanent Diaconate Programs for the Diocese of Burlington. …
This week I am at the annual Presbyteral Assembly at the Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, VT. Every year the priests and bishop of the Diocese …
As we begin our 26th year at Good Shepherd, my mind goes back 30 years ago to the time before we opened. Catholic Central School had closed in …
This week I am at the St. Benedict Abbey in Still River, MA on my annual priest retreat. I met a very fascinating priest who belongs to the …
This photo is of the sun setting over Lake Champlain off Isle La Motte, VT. At this beach, the French soldiers built Fort St. Anne in 1666. …
This week I am at St. Anne’s Shrine in Isle La Motte, VT on vacation. I had a great surprise while I was here. The Catholic School Principals …
I don’t know what other teachers do during the summer, but I’ve been studying the Old Testament Scriptures again in preparation for my 5th /6th …
The Chief of Police texted me about using Good Shepherd as an emergency back-up shelter since the St. Johnsbury School had water in it from the …
Question: What happens when the Principal is out-of-state, the Office Manager is stranded at home because her roads have been washed out, the school …
Three Good Shepherd students stopped by this summer on “official” business and while they were there they wanted to show my their new magic …
Although the students are gone for the summer, there is still a lot of activity taking place at Good Shepherd during the summer months. My new …
I was so excited to see that we have begun the reconstruction at Good Shepherd's entry driveway with the new retaining wall and paving. It has …
Today I celebrated a funeral for Dr. Normand Madore. Dr. Madore spent his formative years in St. Johnsbury. He was a graduate of St. Gabriel …
Graduation was a blast. The student band under the direction of Ms. Mary McCleod sounded great performing Pomp and Circumstance for the …
The other day a 30-something year old man asked me how to go from below average to mediocre in terms of his life's achievements. "Mediocre!", I …
Each child is created in the image and likeness of God. And, each child has a personality. Some of those personalities just overflow with a …
I had an occasion this week to host a brunch for Mrs. Caron's Kindergarten class at the Rectory. We had a delectable menu consisting of brunch …
What does firefighting and law enforcement have to do with religion class? Everything! Jesus says that, "There is no greater love to lay down …
I love this art project that Mrs. Taylor did with her students from various grades. It is a self-portrait, but with a twist. It also explores …
I was deeply impressed the other day when two 4th Graders volunteered to do extra sweeping after lunch. There is a weekly rotation for students …
I was so deeply touched by two of the boys at school who went away to a warm, tropical place during their last vacation. I jokingly said to …
Holy Week and Easter are the liturgical highlight of the Church calendar. It is a very busy week and there are some very moving Masses and …
This is more than just a doorway. This is a rite of passage. Middle school boys find it irresistible to go through a doorway without jumping …
Meet Bob. He’s a new student at Good Shepherd. He’s the creation of a couple of girls in 3rd /4th Grade. They have a whole storyline to accompany …
She had just dunked two baskets when I took this photo. The entire lunchroom clapped and cheered for her. In her day, she played college …
Lent began this week with the school Mass for Ash Wednesday at St. John’s Church. While technically not a holy day, it always draws big crowds, and …
I remember the first time I decided to learn French. I was in 4th Grade at State Street School (Windsor Elementary School, now). One of my …
This is Catholic Schools Week. There are 6,429 Catholic schools in the United States. In Vermont, there are 13, two of which are high schools. …
I love this photo because of the absolute concentration on this young man's face as he prepares to take the shot. But I also love this photo …
The French Club had a tasty class this week. I decided to make crêpes for the students. It’s amazing how many more students want to join the …
The other day we had our first significant snowfall. The kids at recess built snow tunnels, made cocoons for themselves in the snowbanks and …
We recently dramatized the baptism of two “babies” in 5/6 Religion class. We had spent over a week reading about the sacrament and studying it …
I am so pleased with the 2024 Good Shepherd Catholic School Family Calendar which just came in. It is a project on which I worked furiously …
Two days before the end of school, our Music Director, Mr. Lamontange, and 3th and 4th Grade teacher, Mrs. Heath and I took Grades 1-4 …
The last two weeks of school were incredibly busy finalizing and performing the school play, "Mary Poppins," rehearsals and performance of the …
We started a French club at Good Shepherd this year. We meet every Tuesday during lunch in the library. It’s a mixed age group of students …
Ethan Roberts graduated from Good Shepherd in 2013. He told me that his time at GSCS contained some of the most formative moments in (his) …
At the beginning of the school year this student was failing almost every spelling test and now he’s getting 100s on them. He had a dread in …
On Sunday, November 5, the Good Shepherd Youth Group and the Corpus Christi Religious Education students helped out at the family Mass at St. …
Many people know that before I became a priest I was a radiologic technologist. I worked at two hospitals: the Medical Center Hospital of …
This week I took my 5th and 5th Grade Religion class to the Canterbury Inn. We had been studying the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. One …
This year I did something I had not done in years--in decades, even. I ran. I ran not because I am out-of-shape ( I am). I ran not because I …
Every day we teach our students basic educational lessons about math, writing, history, science, art, music and social studies. However, that …
Soccer season has begun and I have had a great time watching the middle school students play in the late afternoons. The weather has been warm …
I got to do one of my favorite things today at Mass. I blessed our amazing Good Shepherd Catholic School teachers with a special blessing for …
We took this cute picture at the first school Mass on September 5, 2023. We took photos of the tallest/smallest boys and the tallest/smallest …
Some years ago when I was studying philosophy, I was required also to study Latin. I didn’t want to and I resented it; however, I spent two …
I am a terrible decorator, but fortunately Mrs. Heath, who shares my classroom, is an excellent decorator so our room looks super amazing!! I …
I recently ran into one of my 2nd Graders at a daily Mass this week. I was chatting with his family and I said to him that I would see him next …
I spent three days at St. Anne's Shrine in Isle la Motte, VT this week. Isle la Motte is part of the "island chain" that runs through Lake …
A common writing exercise for returning students is to ask them how they spent their summer vacation. But what if you are a priest and teacher …
The growth of our kids' brains and bodies is just as important as their academic success. In this essay, we'll look into the ways that sports …
Welcome to Good Shepherd Catholic School, a place where we understand the profound impact that art and music can have on the development of young …
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