The last two weeks of school were incredibly busy finalizing and performing the school play, "Mary Poppins," rehearsals and performance of the Christmas pageant at church, decorating the classroom, Christmas caroling at the Canterbury Inn for the residents and then the French Club sang "Vive le Vent!" for all the students at Good Shepherd complete with "boules de neige" made out of crumpled paper from the recycle bin.
It was a great school, community and town community event. The kids were troopers. The amazing teaching staff adjusted their schedules to accommodate all the rehearsals. I am so impressed at how joyful everybody remained despite the extra demands on their personal time, viruses floating around, basketball practice and games already underway; plus, making cookies and treats for the class parties on the last day of school. My 5th and 6th Grade Religion class decorated our Christmas tree and the room as part of our last class. They were amazing at it, too.
Good Shepherd Catholic School is a marvelous school to attend and a wonderful school at which to work.
Written By: Fr. Lance W. Harlow
Date Published: December 14, 2023
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