This week I took my 5th and 5th Grade Religion class to the Canterbury Inn. We had been studying the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. One of the corporal works of mercy is "visiting the sick." The students colored maple leaves and attached them to construction paper with the note: "With love, Good Shepherd Catholic School." More importantly, we spoke with the Activities Director Megan Potts, who described her career, the personality traits it takes to work as an activities director in a nursing home facility and answered a lot of the students' questions about her work. The children were invited to return to help with Bingo, to read to the residents and to help with other art projects.
I am very proud of the GSCS kids. They are generous, kind, respectful and warm with the elderly people. We sang one song before we left, "We Wish You a Happy Monday" to the delight of the residents. The kids also love to sing!!
Written By: Fr. Lance W. Harlow
Date Published: October 26, 2023
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