Question: What happens when the Principal is out-of-state, the Office Manager is stranded at home because her roads have been washed out, the school Custodian is sick in bed and a powerful thunderstorm hits and forces water into the school and down the stairs?
Answer: The pastor picks up the mop and mop bucket and starts swabbing the deck.
This photo is of the back stairs that lead up to the playground. The carpet was also soaked (and stunk badly, by the way) and water had pooled on the stairs. Water had also come into one of the second floor classrooms, as well as traveled through an air duct creating a puddle in another stairway, and into the basement. Thank you to Mrs. Heath for mopping up the basement!!
Our water damage was negligible, but all of our prayers at Good Shepherd go out to the families, students and neighbors who have been adversely affected by the two recent floods. Pictures of the devastating effects of the flooding have captured the hearts of people all over the state and beyond. We have been through this before and we shall persevere. God bless you!
Written By: Father Lance W. Harlow
Date Published: July 18, 2024
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