Meet Bob. He’s a new student at Good Shepherd. He’s the creation of a couple of girls in 3rd /4th Grade. They have a whole storyline to accompany him. He came to lunch the other day and I asked the girls if I could take his photo for social media. They, and Bob, both agreed it would be a good idea.
Have you ever wondered at what age you lost your imagination and became serious? I wonder if even creative people like writers and artists have become serious in their persona as “writers and artists” and lose that childlike sense of fantasy and creativity. Bob really made me think about my life after our brief introduction. He’s not much of a conversationalist. Can imagination be recaptured, or do we push it so far aside as we try to impress the world with our competence and sophistication that it seems even foolish to want to retrieve it--without deeming it useful in some productive way?
Ah, to be young again with that spirit of limitless imagination...
Written By: Fr. Lance W. Harlow
Date Published: March 14, 2024
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