When I was in junior high school in Windsor, I volunteered at the Mt. Ascutney Hospital and Rehab and helped with the Bingo games. B-4 is a Bingo call. Whenever B-4 was called out, an elderly resident named Gert, who was clever and kind to me, would always echo: "B-4. Before and after." ALWAYS. That chorus has been stuck in my head for at least forty-five years. I can't hear B-4 without hearing Gert's voice and New York accent.
This past week I took my 5/6 Grade Religion class to the Canterbury Inn to play Bingo with the residents. We hope to make this corporal work of mercy a monthly visit. The residents enjoyed seeing our shy group of volunteers, Some students even helped keep track of the calls, verify winnings and deliver prizes.
When B-4 was called this week, wouldn't you know, one of the residents echoed: "B-4. Before and after. " I couldn't help but smile remembering Gert from a lifetime ago. I hope that for my 5th and 6th graders "B-4 and after" will remain with them throughout the years as part of a chorus of happy memories from their time at Good Shepherd Catholic School and their visits to the elderly.
Written By: Father Lance W. Harlow
Date Published: October 10, 2024
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